MIAP Digital Literacy Command Line Guide

Learn about BASH commands!

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apt BASH in the Command Line!


What is the apt BASH command?

I am so glad you asked!

Used to install software packages through the command line, apt has many applications that make it exceptionally helpful for unpacking updates and new software.

In order to use this command, you must have sudo/super-user privileges on your server or computer. If you are using your personal computer, you should be able to use this command without getting sudo permissions.

Basic command structure

For all descriptions below, the dollar sign indicates that BASH command prompt.

$ sudo apt [argument]

Note: check your spelling, use tab completion

Possible Arguments


Updates package lists from repositories Example $ sudo apt update


Upgrades installed packages to their latest versions Example $ sudo apt upgrade


Installs new software packages Example $ sudo apt install

Outputs using apt Command

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